Wednesday, April 30, 2008

My Father's Firsts

These are my father's first son, first grandson and first great grandson.

Pulau Ubin my place of birth

Map of Pulau Ubin
At the jetty entrance.....
Someone house ....not my grandparents' house.

The background used to be my grandparents' house, now there is nothing left to be seen....

This is the 'hub' of Pulau Ubin. The background is where the coffeeshops that my grandmother whom i called 'Ah Ma' used to sit all day long....gambling! But she is sure to stop her activity immediately when she saw us coming on a visit. This is the only road/route to my grandparent's house.
Hahaha this is my favourite spot. Come every 'Ghost Festival' my grandmother will call/visit us to inform us on the coming festival. The stage behind me is where they perfomed chinese wayang. My grandfather whom i called 'Ah Kong' will sure to reserve a spot to place our stools/benches somewhere infront the stage. I will faithfully spent my whole night watching the performance eventhough i knew nothing what they were saying......just kindda like the costumes, the music and their movements. How they sway their hands with their enormous sleeves, how they walk and how they move their body.....i love every part of it.

Went to visit my birth place on one of Singapore's island - Pulau Ubin (Ubin Island) 0n 2nd February 2008. I was supposed to fetch my father home from Changi General Hospital as he was to be discharged on this day. But due to heavy downpour, i was stuck on the island till past 2pm. Luckily my brother Manaf was there to fetch him home.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Triple celebration!

27 April Naim and his mother Aesya birthday and at the same time a house warming party for their new home. Congratulation!!!

Book Week

I am a 'cat' for the day during our Book Week on 25th April 2008.
'Fairy god mother' and a 'cat' meowwww and a 'pig' oink oink oink.
Where's Cinderella?

Friday, April 25, 2008

40 hari (25 April 2008) Jumaat

Hari ini gelap 40 hari bapa ku meninggal dunia.... meninggalkan anak cucu cicit. Bapak, pemergian mu walaupun sudah dijangka, tapi ia berlaku dengan mendadak. Aku saperti disentap dari terlena. Kesal yang tak sudah tersemat dihati ini. Rindu yang tak mungkin terubat. Sentohan menyentuh kenangan. Mata memandang mencari yang tak mungkin ada, hanya kenang kenangan. Tak ku sangka perpisahan kita berlaku disaat aku tidak berdaya. Kenapa bapak tinggalkan aku saperti ini? Kenapa aku melangkah meninggalkan bapa? Kenapa? Aku tahu bapak amat kasihkan anak anak bapak walaupun bapak tak menunjukkan....itu lah cara bapak menanam kasih sayang. Semoga Allah mencurahkan Rahmat dan Rahim Nya buat bapak, diampuni dosa dosa bapak dan ditempatkan bapak bersama sama orang yang di kasihiNya...Amin YaRabbal'alamin.

Pak....berita gembira nak ku sampaikan. Cucu kegembiraan bapak akan ke France-Lyon bulan June nanti selama sebulan, menambah ilmu dinegara orang.

Threejellyfish gone wild!!

Photos taken on 4th April 2008 (Friday)

Our cute sides

The crazy sides of me and my daughter........nothing to do lah.
Photos taken on 5th April 2008 (Saturday)

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Pusara Bapa Ku Tersayang



Today 12th April, i visited my beloved pusara. The contractor had completed doing my father's pusara. I bought two of my father's plant - hibiscus and bouganvillea to be planted on his pusara. May you bapak....dicucuri Rahmat dan Rahim Allah keatas mu, Amin.

Saturday, April 05, 2008

Photoshoot *bang!*

Went for photoshoot today 5th April 2008 with my beloved daughter (:

Friday, April 04, 2008

My Tudong Pin - Gold Violin

4th April 2008
It been 19 days my beloved father passed i missed him terribly. I kept recalling how he looked like when he was in the hospital. His kind words kept singing in my ears and his last touch when he touches my tudong pin; a gold violin which he got a goldsmith to craft it for my daughter Raihanah's 9th birthday (you wrote in your diary -RAIHANAH KEGEMBIRAAN KU) .....he smiled while touching it. Oh i yearned for the happy times with you. Ya Allah, ampunilah dosa bapaku, lapangkan lah kuburnya, tempatkan ia bersama-sama orang yang kau redhai dan cucuri Rahmat dan Rahim Mu keatas rohnya, sesungguhnya bapaku seorang bapa yang bertanggung jawab keatas keluarganya, and please guide me to your path and let me be your humble servant.
Bapak, i visited your pusara today, and it was covered with carpet grass which was nicely done, Alhamdullilah. Tomorrow, Norzlan will deliver the tiles of your favourite colour for your pusara.